Intuilize News and Industry Insights

From Data to Action: The Immediate Impact of Intuilize on Inventory Management

Written by Nelson Valderrama | July 15, 2024

In today’s competitive market, creating an exceptional customer experience is more crucial than ever for distributors. For Earnest Machine, this mission is at the heart of their operations. As they continuously strive to enhance their service, they recognized the need for a tool that could help them optimize their processes and drive growth. Enter Intuilize.

Enhancing Customer Experience with Analytics

Earnest Machine’s mission to deliver top-tier customer experiences led them to seek innovative solutions to refine their operations. They realized that to achieve this goal, they needed to improve their analytics capabilities. 

According to Jared Keipert, Earnest Machine's Director of Procurement:

"We (needed) to grow, and that’s really where Intuilize came into play...(they are) an exceptional tool that helps us improve our customer experience, which is really what our mission is."

Intuilize provides the perfect solution, offering a powerful tool that enhances their ability to:

  • Plan and forecast demand,

  • Manage products,

  • And view their inventory in a new light. 

This shift supports Earnest Machine's growth and aligns perfectly with their mission to improve customer experience.

Sustainable Growth  

For distributors like Earnest Machine, ensuring a sustainable growth model is a critical concern. Intuilize addresses this challenge by offering a comprehensive solution for procurement and supply chain management. 

The platform’s capabilities in demand planning, forecasting, and product management allow Earnest Machine to view their operations differently. Jared shares:

"You start to talk about your products in terms of healthy versus unhealthy, and you can understand more about the data and more about the progress of your commodity categories." 

This new perspective facilitated more informed conversations with their stakeholders, generating excitement and a proactive approach to inventory management.

Immediate and Significant Results

Earnest Machine found the implementation process with Intuilize smooth and structured, yielding almost immediate results. By breaking down the process into manageable sections, they were able to see significant improvements within weeks. This step-by-step approach ensures they fully understand their data and the process itself, leading to an enlightening and energizing experience. The newfound clarity and insights empower them to make better decisions and drive their business forward.


Why Choose Intuilize?

After 25 years in the distribution industry, Intuilize seeks to revolutionize how distributors do business. Their AI-powered platform is designed to optimize prices and inventory, ultimately improving EBITDA for distributors. Today, the platform is trusted by distributors across the US, delivering an impressive ROI of 7-12 times and maintaining a 100% retention rate.

Intuilize delivers:

  • AI-Powered Optimization: The platform leverages AI to optimize pricing and inventory, aligning third-party data with demand planning for boosted accuracy.
  • Seamless Integration: Intuilize offers two-way integration with ERPs, CRMs, and other systems.
  • Automation and Efficiency: By automating routine tasks, Intuilize's tools unlock your team’s potential, allowing them to focus on more critical aspects of your business.
  • Proven ROI: With no long-term contracts, Intuilize demonstrates a significant return on investment for distributors.

Book a Call Today

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your distribution business? Join the many distributors who have transformed their operations with Intuilize. Book a call with our team today and discover how our AI-powered platform can drive growth, optimize your inventory, and enhance your customer experience.

Transform your business with Intuilize – where innovation meets efficiency.