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Automated Product Data Work with WrangleWorks and Intuilize

Automated Product Data Work with WrangleWorks and Intuilize

On August 1st, WrangleWorks and Intuilize joined forces during a unique webinar to highlight the importance of clean data in the distribution industry. Their discussion reveals just how easy it is to automate data work these days and how significantly this impacts your business. Here are the 5 key takeaways from the discussion. 1. Bad…

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Applied AI for Distributors 2024: A Wild Success!

Applied AI for Distributors 2024: A Wild Success! | Intuilize

We are thrilled to share the incredible experience Intuilize had at the Applied AI for Distributors event held on June 3-6 in Chicago. Organized by Distribution Strategy Group, this event brought together the brightest minds and leading innovators in the distribution industry. We were honored to present our AI-powered price and inventory optimization solutions to…

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New Whitepaper - Strategies for Dynamic Distribution Management

New Whitepaper - Strategies for Dynamic Distribution Management

Staying ahead isn't just about keeping pace—it's about setting the pace. That's why we've written our concise guide, Thriving in an Age of Disruption: Transforming Distribution with Inventory and Price Optimization, which we’ve explicitly tailored for distributors constantly striving to maximize ROI and improve operational excellence. Why This Whitepaper is a Game-Changer for You: Tackle…

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